Refund Policy


Last update: 02/06/2023


This refund policy is applicable between The Rabbit's Pawty Factory* (abbreviation: *TRP Factory), Auto-Entrepreneur, registered with the RCS of Meaux, France on 21/10/2019 under number 825320401 registered office: "TRP FACTORY 39 AV de la Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 77750 Saint cyr-sur-Morin, email: Charlotte.TRPFactory@gmail.Com, VAT not applicable, article 293B of the CGI hereinafter "the Publisher" and any natural or legal person , under private or public law, registered on the Site to purchase a Product, hereinafter "the Customer".

The company is registered under number 82532040100029


Client ”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, registered on the Site.

Site Content” : elements of any kind published on the Site, whether or not protected by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases or software.

The Publisher ”: The Rabbit's Pawty Factory, Auto-entrepreneur taken in its capacity as publisher of the Site.

Internet user ”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, connecting to the Site.

Product ”: property of any kind sold on the Site by the Publisher to Customers.

Site ”: website accessible at the URL WWW.THERABBITSPAWTY.COM, as well as sub-sites, mirror sites, portals and variations of URLs relating thereto.


The Site is open and free to all Internet users. Browsing on the Site implies acceptance by any Internet user of these general conditions. The simple connection to the Site, by any means whatsoever, in particular via a robot or a browser, will imply full acceptance of these general conditions. When registering on the Site, this acceptance will be confirmed by ticking the corresponding box.

The Internet user acknowledges by the same fact that he has read them fully and accepts them without restriction.

Ticking the aforementioned box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature on the part of the Internet user. The Internet user recognizes the proof value of the Publisher's automatic recording systems and, except for him to provide proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.

These general conditions are applicable to relations between the parties to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those of the Internet user.

Acceptance of these general conditions assumes on the part of Internet users that they have the necessary legal capacity for this, or failing that, that they have the authorization of a guardian or curator if they are unable , of their legal representative if they are minors, or that they hold a power of attorney if they are acting on behalf of a legal entity.


The purpose of the Site is the sale of Products to Customers.


5.1. Order

In order to place an order, Internet users can select one or more Products and add them to their basket. The availability of the Products is indicated on the Site, in the description of each item. When their order is complete, they can access their basket by clicking on the button provided for this purpose.

5.2. Validation of the order by the Internet user

By consulting their basket, Internet users will be able to check the number and nature of the Products they have chosen and will be able to check their unit price, as well as their overall price. They will be able to remove one or more Products from their basket.

If their order suits them, Internet users can validate it. They will then access a form on which they can either enter their login details if they already have them, or register on the Site by completing the registration form with their personal information.

5.3. Payment by the Customer

As soon as they are connected or after they have fully completed the registration form, Customers will be invited to check or modify their delivery and billing details, then will be invited to make their payment by being redirected for this purpose. on the secure payment interface with the words "order with obligation to pay" or any similar formula.

5.4. Confirmation of the order by the Publisher

Once the payment has actually been received by the Publisher, the latter undertakes to acknowledge receipt to the Client electronically, within a maximum period of 24 hours. Within the same period, the Publisher undertakes to send the Customer an e-mail summarizing the order and confirming the processing, containing all the information relating thereto.


6.1. Price

The applicable prices are those displayed on the Site on the day of the order. These prices may be modified at any time by the Publisher. The prices displayed are only valid on the day of the order and have no effect for the future. It is not possible to get a discount when you placed an order before or after a discount.

The prices indicated on the Site are understood to be in euros, all taxes included, excluding delivery costs.

6.2. Payment method

The Customer can pay by PAYPAL.

In the context of credit card payments, the Publisher has no access to any data relating to the Client's means of payment. Payment is made directly to the bank.

In the event of payment by bank transfer, delivery times begin from the date of receipt of payment by the Publisher. Please note that this payment method is reserved for professionals. Special terms and delivery details apply to business orders. For more information, please refer exclusively to the B2B sales conditions provided when placing your order (see the sales conditions page associated with your invoice).

From June 2, 2023, we exclusively use the external software Zervant for the management of professional orders. For any questions, inquiries or placing business orders, please contact us via email at: .

6.3. Billing

The Publisher will send or make available to the Client an invoice electronically after each payment. The Customer expressly agrees to receive invoices electronically.

6.4. Default of payment

The agreed payment dates may not be delayed for any reason whatsoever, including in the event of a dispute.

Any amount not paid on the due date will give rise to the total cancellation of the order automatically and without formal notice, to the application of late payment penalties calculated on the basis of a rate equal to 3 times the rate of legal interest, without this penalty affecting the payment of the sums due in principal.

In addition, any delay in payment will result in the invoicing of the defaulting Customer of recovery costs in the amount of 40 euros, the immediate payment of all sums remaining due regardless of the agreed deadlines, plus an indemnity of 20% of the amount as a penalty clause, as well as the possibility of terminating the contract unilaterally at the fault of the Customer. This clause is part of the provisions of article 1152 of the civil code allowing the judge to reduce the compensation if the judge considers that it is excessive.

6.5. Retention of title

The Products sold remain the property of the Publisher until full payment of their price, in accordance with this retention of title clause.


7.1. Customer service

The Site's customer service is available Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by e-mail at: Charlotte.TRPFactory@gmail.Com or by post at the address indicated in article 1 of these general conditions. In these last two cases, the Publisher undertakes to provide a response within 3 working days (which means, excluding weekends and public holidays) When the website is closed, the deadlines may be extended.

The Site's customer service is accessible by email at Charlotte.TRPFactory@gmail.Com or by post at the address indicated in Article 1 of these general conditions.

7.2. Right of withdrawal – Distance selling

This article 7.2 is applicable to the Customer having the quality of consumer within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code.

7.2.1. Conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal

In accordance with the legislation in force in terms of distance selling, the Customer has a period of fourteen (14) clear days to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or pay penalties, with the exception, if applicable, return costs.

Perishable products made to order are not cancellable, exchangeable or refundable.

The period mentioned in the preceding paragraph runs from either the day on which the distance contract is concluded for contracts relating to the supply of a service and/or the supply of digital content not supplied on a medium material, or from the receipt of the goods by the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier, designated by him, for contracts for the sale of goods and contracts for the provision of services including the delivery of goods.

In the case of an order relating to several goods delivered separately or in the case of an order for a good made up of batches or multiple parts whose delivery is staggered over a defined period, the period runs from receipt of the last good or lot or of the last piece. For contracts providing for the regular delivery of goods during a defined period, the period runs from the receipt of the first good.

When the fourteen-day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday or non-working day, it is extended until the next working day.

The decision to withdraw must be notified to the Publisher at the contact details indicated in article 1 of these general conditions by means of an unambiguous declaration. The Customer has, for example, the possibility of using the standard form provided at the end of these general conditions. In any event, the Publisher will send the Customer an acknowledgment of receipt of said withdrawal by e-mail as soon as possible.

7.2.2. Effects of the right of withdrawal

The Customer returns or returns the products to the professional or to any person designated by the latter, without undue delay and, at the latest, within fourteen days of the communication of his decision to withdraw.

When the right of withdrawal is exercised, the professional is required to reimburse the Customer for all the sums paid, as soon as possible and at the latest within fourteen days following the date on which this right was exercised. Where applicable, the professional may defer reimbursement until the Products are recovered or until the Customer has provided proof of the shipment of the Products, whichever comes first. Beyond that, the sum due is, by operation of law, productive of interest at the legal rate in force, as specified in article L. 242-4 of the Consumer Code.

If necessary, the professional makes the reimbursement as a priority in the form of a credit note. This credit can be used in full at once, but it cannot be combined with other current offers or reductions, and it can only be used on the Publisher's website. If this solution is not possible, the professional proceeds with the reimbursement using the same means of payment as that used by the Client for the initial transaction , except with the express agreement of the Client for the use of another means of payment and in insofar as the reimbursement does not incur any costs for the Customer. However, the professional is not required to reimburse the additional costs if the Customer has expressly chosen a more expensive delivery method than the standard delivery method offered.

The direct costs of returning the Product are the responsibility of the Customer (parcel returns to a relay point are refused) These costs are estimated at a maximum of 25 euros (varies according to the country) if, due to its nature, the Product does not can normally be returned by post.

The Customer's liability is only engaged with regard to the depreciation of the Product resulting from manipulations other than those necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of this Product.

The conditions, deadlines and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal are set out in the standard form provided at the end of these general conditions.

7.2.3. Exclusions from the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply, in particular, to contracts:

  • the provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and the performance of which has begun after the Customer's express prior agreement and express waiver of his right of withdrawal;
  • supply of goods made according to the Customer's specifications (eg: modification of recipes, packaging, visuals, etc., or quantities per bag/size of sweets, normally available on the Publisher's site) or clearly personalized (creation of sweets, custom-made products or order);
  • supply of goods likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly (food and treats for animals);
  • supply of goods which have been unsealed by the Customer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection;
  • supply of goods which, after being delivered and by their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items;
  • supply of audio or video recordings or computer software when they have been unsealed by the Customer after delivery;
  • supply of a newspaper, periodical or magazine, except for subscription contracts to these publications;
  • concluded at a public auction;
  • provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transport services, car rental, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or period;
  • supply of digital content not provided on a material medium, the execution of which has begun after the Customer's express prior agreement and express waiver of his right of withdrawal.

Similarly, the right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts executed in full by both parties at the express request of the Customer before the latter exercises his right of withdrawal.

When validating the order of digital content independent of any material medium before the expiry of the withdrawal period, the Customer's waiver of the right of withdrawal will be manifested by ticking the box corresponding to the following sentence: " I expressly waive my 14-day right of withdrawal for the Products delivered”. The Customer will then receive a confirmation by email of his waiver of the right of withdrawal.

When validating the order for a service, the Customer's waiver of the right of withdrawal will be manifested by ticking the box corresponding to the following sentence: "I expressly waive my 14-day right of withdrawal for the services from which I would benefit before the expiry of this period". The Customer will then receive a confirmation by email of his waiver of the right of withdrawal.

The Client who has exercised his right of withdrawal from a contract for the provision of services, the execution of which has begun, at his express request, before the end of the withdrawal period, pays the professional an amount corresponding to the service provided until the communication of his decision to withdraw, this amount being proportional to the total price of the service agreed in the contract

7.3. Termination of the contract on the Customer's initiative

The Consumer Customer may terminate the contract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt if the delivery date of the goods is exceeded by more than seven days. The Customer will then be reimbursed for the sums incurred by him when placing the order.

This clause is not intended to apply if the delay in delivery is due to a case of force majeure, the Publisher is not dependent on the delivery services and the delays generated by the latter. In such a case, the Customer undertakes not to take legal action against the Publisher and waives the right to avail himself of the resolution of the sale provided for in this article.

7.4. Warranties

7.4.1. Guarantee against apparent defects and faults

It is the Customer's responsibility to check that the Products are in good condition at the time of delivery. This verification must in particular relate to the quality, quantities and references of the Products as well as their conformity with the order. No complaint will be taken into account after a period of three days from delivery . In any case, any complaint concerning the delivered parcels will only be taken into account if the Customer having the quality of merchant has expressed reservations to the carrier in accordance with articles L. 133-3 and following of the Commercial Code.

7.4.2. Warranty against defects and hidden defects Legal guarantees

Customers have a legal guarantee of compliant delivery (article 1604 of the Civil Code), a legal guarantee against hidden defects (articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code) and a security guarantee (articles 1245 et seq. . of the Civil Code).

Customers who are consumers also have a legal guarantee of conformity (articles L. 217-4 et seq. Consumer Code). Conventional guarantee

The Products benefit, in addition to the legal guarantee, from a conventional guarantee of conformity on French territory, for a period of 6 months from the delivery of the Product. Feedback

In order to implement the guarantee, it is up to the Customer to return the product to the address of the Publisher's headquarters , accompanied by an explanatory letter requesting either the repair, or the exchange, or the refund (in the form having).

In any event, the Customer is requested to follow the Publisher's instructions with respect to the return of the Products precisely.

The costs of returning the Product remain the responsibility of the Customer , (returns to a relay point are not accepted) except for consumer Customers implementing the guarantee of conformity of articles L. 217-4 and s. of the Consumer Code.

The consumer Customer has a period of 14 clear days from the delivery of the goods to act with the seller. As such, he can choose between repairing or replacing the Product, subject to the cost conditions provided for in article L.217-9 of the Consumer Code. Finally, the Customer is exempted from providing proof of the existence of the lack of conformity of the Product during the 21 days following the delivery of the said Product, except for second-hand goods. Perishable and personalized products do not fall into this category and are not subject to this measure, and are not returnable or refundable. (Themed boxes included)

Where applicable, the legal guarantee of conformity applies independently of the commercial guarantee.

When the consumer Customer decides to implement the guarantee against hidden defects, he can choose between the cancellation of the sale or a reduction in the sale price.


8.1. Applicable right

These general conditions are subject to the application of French law.

8.2. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

These general conditions may be modified at any time by the Publisher. The general conditions applicable to the Customer are those in force on the day of his order or his connection to this Site, any new connection to the personal space entailing acceptance, where applicable, of the new general conditions.

8.3. Disputes

Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2015-1033 of August 20, 2015, any disputes with a Consumer Customer that may arise in the context of the execution of these general conditions and whose solution could not be found prior to the amicable agreement between the parties must be submitted.

In addition, the consumer Client is informed of the existence of the online dispute resolution platform, accessible at the following URL address: .

Since January 1, 2016, mediation has been compulsory for everyone. Thus, any professional selling to individuals is required to communicate the contact details of a competent Mediator in the event of a dispute, regardless of whether he sells remotely or in a physical store (Source: FEVAD).

8.4. Wholeness

The nullity of one of the clauses of this contract will not entail the nullity of the other clauses of the contract or of the contract as a whole, which will retain their full effect and scope. In such a case, the parties must, as far as possible, replace the canceled stipulation with a valid stipulation corresponding to the spirit and the object of these presents.

8.5. Non-waiver

The lack of exercise by the Publisher of the rights which are recognized to him by the present can in no way be interpreted as a renunciation to assert the said rights.

8.6. Telephone canvassing

The Customer is informed that he has the possibility of registering on the list of opposition to cold calling at the address .

The Rabbit's Pawty never discloses your personal information to third parties, except as stipulated when placing your order: the information necessary for the delivery of your order, transmitted exclusively to the carrier. The Rabbit's Pawty cannot be held responsible for the use of information made by the carrier. Please contact the delivery service concerned for any complaints.

8.7. Languages ​​of these general conditions

These general conditions are offered in French.

You can translate this text via the attached link:
We are not responsible for translation errors, this site is provided for information only to help you in your approach.

8.8. Unfair terms

The stipulations of these general conditions apply subject to compliance with the mandatory provisions of the Consumer Code concerning unfair terms in contracts concluded between a professional and a consumer.